5" Secondary Holder

Well, since the size of the secondary mirror in the Cassegrain increased from 4.25" to 5", the secondary holder had to increase in size too.  The 3/8" rod and attached plate with adjusting screws was just fine, but the plate and the piece of thin sheet aluminum that surrounded the mirror and held it in place had to be changed.

I found a piece of 3/4" baltic birch that was slightly over 5" by 5".  I roughed the circle out with a jigsaw, and made a quick jig to sand the shape to that of a true, round circle, slightly over 5" in diameter.  A nail was driven through a hole in the center of the wood disk, and sanding was performed by turning the disk by hand into the rotating sanding drum in the drill press.  Worked like a charm.

Sanding the disk

Sanding closeup

Three holes were drilled to accept T-nuts which would be engaged by the three adjustment screws.  This accomplished, the plate was attached to the rod/aluminum plate assembly.
Holder 1 Holder 3

Finally, I bought some sheet aluminum (about 0.025" thick) and cut a piece to surround the new secondary.  I bent the lip down to retain the mirror and bent it around the circle, and attached it with some small screws.  Voila, a new secondary holder.  Now it will be given a coat of paint by Mr. Conron in his "paint shop/optical shop/car storage facility".

Holder 5
Holder 6

Next stop, a coated secondary mirror.

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